
Organized by

Tournament completed! Post an announcement to share updates to your community.


This tournament is for Bronze - 4900 MMR players. Please include your Battletag when signing up.

Remember to check in before the tournament begins!

Confirm your participation in the tournament by clicking "Check-in" button on this page between 6 PM and 7 PM KST.

1st Place Prize: in-game SC2 item up to $15 OR 1-month Twitch subscription for 2 channels from the list

2nd Place Prize: 1-month Twitch subscription for 1 channel from the list

Consider supporting our tournaments on Patreon!

Details & Rules:

  • Career Games: You need to have at least 200 career games on at least 1 server.
  • Played Games: You need to have at least 50 ranked 1v1 games played this season to be eligible for the tournament. All 50 games need to be played with the race you wish to participate as and on the same account.
  • League: Bronze - Master 2 (The tournament is available only to players with 4900 MMR or below and who have NOT reached more than 4900 MMR in the past three seasons. The highest rank you are with any race on any server is the rank you will be considered for the tournament.)
  • Server: Americas (If both players agree to play on different server, it is allowed. However, notify the admins first.)
  • In-game chat channel: Ducklings (Type "/join Ducklings" in game. If you can't see other players in the channel, try joining the "Ducklings" group and going to chat through there.)
  • Players will have 15 minutes to begin their match since the bracket is finalized. When the bracket is finalized, it will be announced in the in-game chat channel. If a player does not respond within 15 minutes, their opponent will be awarded a walkover.
  • Only admins and approved casters can be added to the game as observers. No other observers allowed.
  • If a player disconnects, the game will be continued using the "Resume from replay" option in the game. If the disconnecting player does not return after 15 minutes, they may forfeit the match. Players seen watching replays while waiting for another player to return will forfeit that match.
  • If you decide to forfeit a series, please contact an admin. Forfeiting without a valid reason will result in a warning. 3 warnings will result in a 6 month ban from competing in CranKy Ducklings events.
  • Players found sharing either or Challonge accounts will be issued a warning and the accounts in question will be barred from competing. Repeat offenders will be banned from all CranKy Ducklings events.
  • Please be respectful to other players and the admins.
  • Any issues not mentioned here are to be solved by the admins. The rules for future events will be updated accordingly.


  • random seeding,
  • Single Elimination by default. If less than 12 players check in, the format changes to Double Elimination. The finalist from Winners Bracket gets a 1 point advantage in the Grand Finals,
  • all matches are Bo3 (Double Elimination: Losers' Bracket Bo1, Losers' Finals Bo3),
  • the finals Bo5 (the format of the Finals can be changed from Bo5 to Bo3 if both players and the admins agree before the series begins).


> 1st map is listed on the bracket, the next one is picked by the loser, maps don't repeat.

  • Deathaura LE
  • Eternal Empire LE
  • Ever Dream LE
  • Golden Wall LE
  • Ice and Chrome LE
  • Pillars of Gold LE
  • Submarine LE

Recommended server:

To change your server for Americas or Asia in client, click Menu > Options > Language and Region > Region, Preferred Game Server. Unless players arrange and agree on a server order themselves, the following middle ground is recommended:

  • KR/SEA/ANZ/CN vs EU - US West
  • NA vs EU - US East
  • NA vs KR - US West
  • NA vs CN/SEA/ANZ - G1 US West, G2 Australia, G3 US West
  • ANZ vs SEA - G1 Australia, G2 Singapore, G3 Australia
  • KR vs SEA - Taiwan

Admins: <CrnKy> LightVIP, <CrnKy> Kuro

Stream: CranKy_Ducklings

Prize provided by: Light_VIP & Duckling Patrons

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us through our Discord server. Don't be afraid to ask, we're here to help :)

Final Results

Icon medal first
Icon medal second
Icon medal third











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